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What Does the 2025 Federal Budget Mean for Carers?

While there aren’t any new direct supports for carers, there are some broader measures which will impact your caring role. Carers Australia has put together an easy-to-read summary of these measures which includes two new tax cuts, energy relief, changes to Medicare, increases to wages in key industries, provision of better access to Urgent Care Clinics and safeguards to the integrity of the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS).

To read the 2025 Federal Budget Summary for Carers click here.

Help Ensure Carers Are Prioritised this Federal Election

While these measures are helpful, the truth is that carers can’t quit. And that’s why Carers Australia is also launching a public appeal in the lead up to the Federal Election. Did you know that if all the work that carers do was replaced by paid support staff, it would cost the Australian economy $77.9 billion a year? That’s why they are asking carers from every state to join them in ensuring that the wellbeing of carers is made a priority.

To find out more click here.
