
Carer Wellness at Home

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Carer Wellness at Home

We recognise that carers can often struggle to find time to access support for themselves. With this in mind we now provide an in-home program that will bring our service and support to you.

The Carers WA Carer Wellness at Home Program provides in-home support specifically to carers. We can provide you with:

  • Emotional support
  • Information about services available to support you
  • Help with completing forms (eg. ACROD, Taxi Voucher Scheme)
  • Referral to relevant local carer support services
  • The opportunity to access Carer Wellbeing events and training
  • Supporting carers and service providers with information on the new Aged Care reforms.

For carers to access the Carer Wellness at Home Program, the person they care for must be:

  • 65 years or over (for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders 50 years or over)
  • Receiving Commonwealth Home Support Program (CHSP)
  • Not receiving a Home Care Package (carer is eligible for this program if the care recipient has been approved for a package or on the national queue, as long as they are not actually receiving the package)

The Single Assessment System, other services and carers can refer into the Carer Wellness at Home Program by completing the specific Carer Wellness at Home Referral Form below.

The Carer Wellness at Home Referral Form is only for those who want to access this specific service.

Please contact 1300 227 377 if you experience any issues.