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North Metro Health Service

One-off consultation session

Youth Mental Health Services (YMHS) Strategy (2025-2030) Consultation

Youth Mental Health is in the process of developing a 5-year strategy for 2025-2030. Their role is to prioritise the voices of young people and carers/supporters with lived/living experience to inform the strategy.

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Community Based Organisations

Thursday, bi-monthly for a 2-year term

Headspace Midland Consortium Group

The Consortium is a collaborative advisory group made up of local service providers and organisations that work with a Lead Agency to provide partnership opportunities, strategic direction, and resources to enhance the headspace service’s capacity to meet local community needs.

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North Metro Health Service

Third Thursday of every month

Sir Charles Gairdner Osborne Park Health Care Group (SCGOPHCG) Community Advisory Council (CAC)

The Sir Charles Gairdner Osborne Park Health Care Group (SCGOPHCG) Community Advisory Council (CAC) is a formal partnership between consumers and carers and SCGOPHCG Executive Committees that embeds the voice and perspectives of consumers, carers and families in decisions and processes that impact their healthcare experience and journey.

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South Metro Health Service

4th Wednesday of every month

Rockingham Peel Group (RkPG) Partnering with Consumers Committee

The RkPG Partnering with Consumers (PwC) Committee was set up for the purpose of providing governance and compliance with the national safety health service standard 2 - Partnering with consumers. The committee will oversee quality improvement, review patient feedback systems, participate in the review of policies, procedures, protocols, and guidelines.

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South Metro Health Service

2-year commitment, meeting monthly.

Peel Health Campus Consumer Advisory Committee

Peel Health Campus (PHC) is committed to partnering with consumers to ensure a patient-centered approach to service planning, delivery, and evaluation, and to ensure that the consumer voice is heard, acknowledged, and valued.

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North Metro Health Service

Monthly - Every 4th Monday

Women & Newborn Health Service – Diversity & Inclusion Committee (DAIC)

The Women and Newborn Health Service (WNHS) Diversity and Inclusion (the Committee) will improve consumer access and experience by overseeing the identification, implementation, and evaluation of systems, processes, and strategies associated with providing a welcoming, supportive, and inclusive service at WNHS for all consumers.

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