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Carer Representation

The Carers WA Carer Representation Program enables people in a caring role to provide a voice for carers.

The program allows carers to make a difference for all carers in WA by using their lived experience to improve services and increase awareness of the carer’s point of view. Carer Representatives participate in health, mental health, and alcohol and other drug service policy development, planning and evaluation.

Carers WA is a one stop shop for all your caring needs. They provide great info, support and events for carers in WA. Would be lost without them!

Sharyn – Carer Representative

New Carer Representatives
Join a team of approximately 80 (and growing) carers who are representing carers in the WA Department of Health and the Mental Health Commission. You don't have to be an expert in policy or have clinical knowledge; you are an expert through your lived experience of being a carer. The team at Carers WA will provide you with ongoing training and support, and access to a network of like-minded individuals.

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Carer Representative Vacancies (current Representatives only)
View a list of current Carer Representation vacancies available within the WA health and mental health sector.

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Upcoming Meetings and Workshops (current Representatives only)
The Carer Representation program regularly hosts events, workshops and network meetings for Carer Representatives who want to expand their skillset to better equip them for their role.

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Resources and Online Training (current Representatives only)
The Carer Representation program encourages ongoing professional development for Carer Representatives. Carers WA provides a list of useful resources and online learning opportunities.

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Contact Carers WA

To contact the Carer Representation team call 1300 227 377 or email Carer.Rep@carerswa.asn.au