Carer Gateway is an Australian Government initiative for family carers in Australia. It provides a mix of free online, telephone and in-person supports, services and advice. These services have been designed and tested by carers to help reduce stress and build resilience in the caring role.
In addition to a number of resources available through the Carer Gateway website, supports and services are being delivered throughout the states and territories. For Western Australia, Carers WA is leading the delivery of these services, in partnership with our delivery partner, HelpingMinds.
Carer Gateway: 1800 422 737
Hours of operation: 8.00am – 5.00pm local time. An after-hours service is available outside of these hours, including weekends.
Referrals will be received by our Carer Support Planning team and a planner will contact the carer back directly. For referrals for emergency respite, the Carer Support Planning team will respond to the enquiry within 24 hours (excluding weekends and public holidays).
Carer Gateway is a phone-based service providing carers a centralised and streamlined process to access relevant supports and services in Western Australia. Carers must undergo a Carer Support Planning process to determine eligibility as well as areas of need and priority. A holistic action plan of supports and services will then be tailored to the carer’s individual requirements.
To learn more about what carers can expect when they contact Carer Gateway and undergo the Carer Support Planning process, read:
For answers to our most frequently asked questions by carers and service providers, please read our Carer Gateway FAQs.
Awareness and Engagement: Our team deliver tailored presentations and info sessions in-person or through Zoom, participate in community events, expos, networking events, forums, and meetings. To enquire about a presentation or event click here.
To keep up with the latest Carer Gateway news and updates:
Carer Gateway resources including printed materials can be ordered at
If you have any further questions regarding Carer Gateway services, please fill out the form below and a Carers WA Community Engagement Officer will respond with further information.