News &
april, 2025
april, 2025
15aprAll Day17mayCarers WA Young Carer Camp
This is an expression of interest to attend the Carers WA Young Carer Camp. There are a few formalities that need to be completed before we can confirm your attendance. Carers WA has contracted a
This is an expression of interest to attend the Carers WA Young Carer Camp. There are a few formalities that need to be completed before we can confirm your attendance. Carers WA has contracted a reputable external child friendly provider licensed to deliver children’s camps for this activity on our behalf.
This camp is for the purpose of providing respite for those who care for a sibling, parent or family member with disability, physical or mental health challenges as a break away from their caring role.
The camp is not for children with special care needs (care recipients) as there are other organisations that provide this under NDIS funding.
Ages: 8 – 12yrs
Start: Tuesday, 15th April 2025
End: Thursday, 17th April 2025
Where: Perth’s northern suburbs – for safety reasons only successful candidates will be notified of the exact location of the camp.
Criteria: Young Carers MUST already be registered as a young carer with Carers WA to be considered for the camp.For multiple expressions of interest (eg. two young carers in one family) please complete a new form.
Cost: Free – This camp is proudly supported by Channel 7 Telethon Trust
Expression of interest closing date: Thursday, 3rd April 2025
Successful applicants notified by the 8th April 2025 along with the exact location of the camp.
To complete your expression of interest click here.
April 15 (Tuesday) - May 17 (Saturday)
Carers WA respectfully acknowledge that we work on Aboriginal land and pay our respects to community members and elders, past and present. Individuals pictured are models and are used for illustrative purposes only. Carers WA is committed to understanding, embracing and celebrating the rich and multi-dimensional experiences that shape our lives and aims to ensure that everyone who engages with the organisation feels welcome and included. Carers WA welcomes all people irrespective of ethnicity, lifestyle choice, faith, sexual orientation and gender identity.
Carers WA acknowledges the Wadjuk Noongar Nation’s lands, water, customs, and culture of which the Carers WA Head Office is located. Carers WA recognises our services reach beyond the Perth (Boorloo) region, and so we also acknowledge the cultural diversity of First Nations Peoples across our state and throughout Australia.
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