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ConnectUp: Co-Design Workshops to Design Social Connection Platform

We want to help carers and people with disabilities develop meaningful personal social connections in the context of physical activity and are looking for people with lived experience to help shape our project. If you’d like to help create an innovative disability and carer support platform, we’d love to hear from you!

What’s involved?

  • We are looking for 12-15 people with disability and carers to join our Consumer Group to join co-design sessions.
  • Codesign is a creative way for people to discuss what issues matter to them and to find possible solutions to these issues
  • We will host up to 12 sessions over the next 18 months. They will take place in a central location in Perth CBD or in Carers WA premises.
  • Each session will take approximately 1.5- 2 hours, refreshments will be provided.
  • We will ask you to take part in most of these sessions.

ConnectUp – What’s that?

  • ConnectUp is an online platform helping people with disability and carers to discover other people in nearby location and connect with them.
  • The platform allows users to communicate with people nearby and to schedule an in-person catch up.
  • We encourage users to do something active when they catch up in person, therefore we also aim to provide an overview of what are the accessible locations and available activities in the local area.
  • We recognise everyone has valuable knowledge and experiences that can help shape ConnectUp into a successful platform for the community.

What are the benefits of taking part?

  • You will meet with a group of interesting people and get an opportunity to discuss issues relevant to you.
  • You will be part of a larger project during which we will generate ideas and build solutions that are likely to improve social connection and physical activity participation and access in the local community.
  • You will be compensated for time ($37,50 per hour) and travel costs to attend co-design sessions.

To take part or find out more please email info@connectup.org.au or dom.kwasnicka@unimelb.edu.au.You can also call 0477712311. 
