

A picture of two people looking at a camera with a blue background. Text reads: "Leonie's Caring story"

Leonie shares her caring story

We recently sat down and spoke to Leonie, a carer living in WA supporting her uncle with Down Syndrome.   When did you realise you were a carer? Leonie first got a glimpse of the caring role when she visited her mum who at the time was caring for Leonie’s Uncle Eric who has DownRead more

Astrid stands facing the camera smiling

Astrid shares her story on growing up as a young carer

Astrid is a budding playwright, performer, and disability support worker, but she is also a young carer and has been for most of her life.   Caring for her younger sister with Down Syndrome from the age of nine-years-old, Astrid does not readily use the label of “young carer” to describe herself. For Astrid, the term “young carer” is just something she keeps in the back of her mind and something that’s informed the person she has grown upRead more

Lynette’s Carer Story

About Lynette Lynette Downes was a carer for her mum who lived with dementia for 10 years. As Lynette’s mother’s condition worsened Lynette took on more and more of the household responsibilities, moving in with her mother to ensure she could continue to live safely in her own home. Lynette’s Challenge Lynette was having troubleRead more

Sharon’s Carer Story

About Sharon Sharon Bunter is a family carer. She cares for her 26-year-old son who returned back to the family home after he experienced a major breakdown due to his mental health challenges in October 2015. Sharon’s Challenge Sharon was having trouble coping with her new caring role and recalls taking her son to medicalRead more