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Aged Care Reform


Overview of the Change

From 1st July 2025, the new Support at Home program will replace the existing Home Care Packages and Short-Term Restorative Care programs to provide important care for older people. The Commonwealth Home Support Programme, which provides entry level services to older people, will transition no earlier than 1st July 2027.

This change will provide flexibility and a person-centred care to participants, funding for additional requirements, and a smoother and more accessible entry point for assessments.

Key Features
  • Streamlining the application process, making it more accessible for carers to seek support through programs like Carer Wellness at Home.
  • Shifting focus from what is lacking to what is working well and strengthening those areas.
  • Implementing a single assessment process for individualised care based on specific needs and lifestyle.
  • Recipients receive a quarterly budget and an additional funding pool, promoting flexibility and a person-centered approach to care.
  • Introducing a First Nations assessment tailored to each person’s Country, fostering reablement and strengthening their connection to the land.

To stay updated and find out more, click here.

How can Carer Wellness at Home help?

The Carers WA, Carer Wellness at Home Program is there to provide support in engaging with local community resources to help build their resilience and promote the wellbeing of carers, and information on the Aged Care Reforms. To find out more about Carer Wellness at Home, click here.

Our team can provide resources, training, and support to help those caring for an older spouse, parent or loved one understand and adapt to the new aged care reforms, and are ready to discuss information through your preferred communication method (face-to-face, online, or via phone), to accommodate your schedule.

Assistance for carers can include:

  • Support navigating the new single assessment process including assistance filling out forms.
  • Providing guidance and building independence and reablement for the person you are caring for so that you can have more flexibility, balance in your caring role and time to take care of your own wellbeing.
  • Understanding the responsibilities of service providers and keeping them accountable.
  • Guidance in making the most of flexible funding options to improve the wellbeing of the person you care for and for your own peace of mind.

Additionally, we are available to attend service provider staff meetings or personal development days, offering insights into Carers WA and the implications of the Aged Care Reforms for your clients’ carers.

For requests on engagement activities on the Aged Care Reform, such as presentations or information sessions, please send an enquiry form to the Carers WA Community Engagement team.

Please contact wellnessprogram@carerswa.asn.au or 1300 227 377 for any general queries.