Carers WA embraces diversity in all its forms, for a more inclusive organisation and community.
Carers WA is committed to understanding, embracing and celebrating the rich and multi-dimensional experiences that shape our lives and aim to ensure that everyone who engages with the organisation feels welcome and included.
In our work with carers, we will actively address the discrimination, racism and intolerance experienced by particular groups in society. We acknowledge groups that may experience this can include:
We aim to provide a nurturing environment that welcomes engagement and values contribution from people of every nationality, race, culture, gender, sexual orientation, religious belief, social background, ability, family status, marital status, age or political opinion.
1. Developing inclusive leaders who value uniqueness and have a deep understanding of diversity and inclusion, and who are able to build inclusive teams and safe working environments.
2. Delivering programs and supports that enable all people to feel that they are welcomed and respected.
3. Understanding and recognising that each person who works in our organisation or uses our services is unique, has their own life experiences, and has their own needs and preferences.