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Carers in Employment

Carers have so many valuable and transferrable skills that they can bring to a workplace. However, starting a job after time away, balancing work and a caring role or supporting an employee who is a carer can sometimes be a challenge. The Carers in Employment Program offers support for carers to enter or re-enter employment and assists employers to create carer friendly workplaces.

Did you know?

The are 2.65 million carers in Australia.

1 in 9 employees are likely to be carers.

42% of employed carers are managers or professionals.

Programs for Carers

Be Job Ready
This program supports carers to identify skills from their caring role that are transferrable to the workplace, equipping them to 'be job ready'. It is delivered in a supportive small group environment over 10 sessions (2 hours per week) covering key job-related skills and techniques. There is also an opportunity to job seek with other carers. Participants leave with realistic information and practical skills that can be used to apply for, secure and maintain employment.

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Young Carer Planning & Employment Support
This program is for carers under the age of 25. It offers a one-stop-shop for all your career planning, job searching and training information needs. Our Career Planning & Employment Support Officer is a qualified Career Advisor and Coach. We can help you to identify your passions, strengths and skill sets to build a plan to achieve your education and career goals.

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Programs for Employers

Carer Friendly Employers
This program works with organisations to create carer friendly workplaces. Supporting employees who are carers can result in increased engagement and productivity, as well as attraction and retention of staff. Carers WA has specific support services, resources and opportunities available to tailor a consultation session that fits your organisation. Formal recognition can also be achieved through the national Carers + Employers accreditation program.

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