
Becoming a Carer Friendly School

Home Information for Schools and Organisations Becoming a Carer Friendly School

Becoming a Carer Friendly School

At least 1 in 11 young people in Australia have some level of responsibility as a carer in their home. This equates to there being, on average, 3-5 young carers in every classroom in Australia.

That’s why taking a whole school or organisation approach will be the most effective when supporting young carers and their families; this includes acknowledging and supporting young carers in policies, intake processes and guidelines for deadlines and assessments.

Here are some ways you can become a Carer Friendly School:

  • Develop a school policy, or adopt our easy to use policy available here.
  • Start a peer support group at your school. Our team can equip you with all the tools you need to get started here.
  • Invite the Carers WA Young Carer Engagement team to speak at a staff PD or meeting.
  • Identify young carers in the classroom and refer them to Carers WA for support.
  • Help raise awareness. The easiest way to support young carers at your school is by letting them know that there is support available.

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To access support that is tailored to your individual needs and goals, please complete a referral or self-referral form or call us on 1300 227 377.

Please note, this is not an emergency or crisis service. If the situation is an emergency, please contact Emergency Services on 000, Lifeline on 13 11 14 or Kids Helpline on 1800 55 1800.